thing according to me young generation think and act about :
do not play SAFE. I have seen this
with a lot of people. Most of us are too reluctant to get out of our comfort
zone. We will crib about our jobs. Our life. Being friend zoned. But we won't
do anything about it. Because we are deep down afraid of being rejected. Afraid
of failing. The worse thing that can happen if you tell that girl you like her
is that she will say No. At least from then on you can get back to your life
and not worry about whether she likes you or not. If you are 20 something and
stuck in a dead end job, please try out something different. Join a start up or
do something on your own. The consequences of failing at this point is very
less. You don't have a family to feed. Or just travel. See the world. Do it for
a month after taking a leave from your job. Just make some changes. Soon you will
be 40 year old with two kids and wonder if you should have taken those
Do not get married
because you are a 27 years old and needs someone to talk at night and have
regular sex. Get married because you have found someone you are
willing to spend the rest of your life with.
If you are a
guy, do NOT demand dowry. At least tell your parents not to do so.
If you are a girl please do not lower your self esteem by paying that. India is
a country of 1.27 billion people. You will find someone sooner or later.
Respect yourself enough to say No.
It is high time
we stop caring about things like caste and religion.
Please do not judge anyone because he is from a different religion. Do not
under estimate anyone because he is from a lower caste. People don't end up in
the places they are born by their choice. Do not feel proud because of your
skin color, caste, creed, gotra, star sign and whatever. (Feel free to add more
to the list. I have never been good with these stuff). Feel proud of something
you have done in this life which has made a difference to you or society.
keep giving excuses and get your shit together. I see people crying on Internet forums over
reservations, politics and what not. Let me tell you a secret. There are still
students every year who enter IITs, NITs, IIITs, IIMs without any reservation.
Feel free to join BITS. There is no reservation here. But do that only if you
are interested in Engineering and not because some neighborhood aunty told you
that you will excel in life only if you pass out of these colleges.
If possible try to fall
in love and get married. Every human being should have the potential to
find his/her mate. Once you find someone have the courage to tell your parents.
It is 21st century. If not now then when?
gossiping. If there is a girl
who dates a lot, it doesn't mean that she is loose or a slut. It just means
that she wants to find the guy she is maximum compatible with. Similarly don't
judge a guy and say he is this and that. It is their fucking life. Live and let
live. Don't be like those creepy self righteous organization people who
hide behind park trees during evenings to chase out couples just because they
are super lame and probably never been with a girl their entire life.
fighting on Internet forums over who is better - Salman Khan or Shah Rukh, Hindu or
Muslim, India or Pakistan, BJP or Congress. It is a total waste of time and
really really lame. That is why I rarely argue with people who leave nasty
comments on my answers sometimes. A simple down vote always does wonders.
keep asking advice on internet forums. Most advice is recycled shit and memes posted from the
internet you will find yourself if you Google. Ask for information instead and
their side of the story. Don't ask "Should I do this?". Ask
"What made you do that?"
the time you spend on social networking sites. Most people there are not what they seem.
People will pretend to be all happy, excited over their dream jobs, new city
and what not. You will never see people telling you the bad part. It is just a
way of escape from most people's mundane existence. Simplystop judging your
self esteem on the number of LIKEs you get. You are beautiful anyways. You
don't need creepy dudes on facebook commenting "Looking so nice
Sundari. Go Bollywood" to know that. If possible leave facebook,
WhatsApp, Gtalk for a few days. Trust me your life will improve. You won't feel
the need to update people about what you had for lunch, where you just went,
what you did today and all that. You will live in the moment. You will enjoy
the experiences more. What makes me say that? I deactivated my mobile internet
plan a month back. I went off facebook for a few months. I removed WhatsApp and
facebook messenger. The only network I spend my time on is Quora. That is
because I am an information addict and like to express my opinion on various
issues which fascinate me.

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